Night of the stars

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Noche de las EstrellasThere was in the Animaya Park an astronomy fiesta for an evening. we went there with our neighbors, with two children. For after some walk we arrived in the park, where we saw many people and after a louder noise caught a glimpse of a just-launched rocket.

There were various programs in the park. Some of them informative, some of them spectacular. Due to our knowledge of the Spanish language, we didn’t start to listen to any presentations about an astronomic topic, although there were some of them I would have been highly interested in.

In spite of this, we have looked at much shorter presentation. So we have seen a rocket launch. A water-air rocket was launched, and thanks to the precise creators the rocket had also a nice parachute for landing. It was hidden in front of the rocket and opened when the turned down to start landing.

We could see what effect has vacuum on marshmallow pieces. Unfortunately have no before after pictures. 🙁

A student of chemistry showed us what difference it means when the same two chemical components are mixed to a varying extent. She just performed us the rainbow out of two components and an indicator.

There was a transportable planetarium present with an introduction to the stellar constellations in a half an hour. Actually, that was the one I didn’t like too much. It could have been much more spectacular. It was informative but somehow I missed anything special.

The boys observed the Moon and the Saturn with one of the telescopes set up in the park and learned some constellations from the men, who explained and showed these in the sky.

At last, the boys played a cosmic twister 🙂

The evening run fast and we came home with lots of experiences.

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Matisse montázsMatisse montázs

Lehetőségünk van megnézni a 20. századi francia festő Henri Matisse kiállítását. Ez a kiállítás ihlette a következő feladványt, ami egyben az első olyan feladvány, ahol a válaszokat beküldhetitek gyermekeddel és a legjobbak felkerülnek egy toplistára. Jó kutatást!

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