1. It is sooo good to see a cleaner place after collecting the garbage we could from a place.
2. It is sooo stupid that people are not able to go to a trash bin and throw the garbage into it. (Especially if you can see a trash bin next to the garbage.)
3. It is sooo hard to collect the plastic garbage which is halfway of decomposition. If you touch it, it falls apart, so you can not collect it by hand.
4. It is sooo bad that the garbage we have collected will not disappear or recycled only relocated. Which means it is there for some more tens or hundreds of years just to be trash and make its effects as smaller pieces. The only difference is, that we don’t have to watch it every day.
5. We (human beings) are sooo stupid that we use lots of single-use plastic. We carry our in plastic bags the veggies packed in plastic between the plastic bag with bakery products and the plastic fast food holders while sipping coffee from the single-use plastic glass, before throwing every packaging into special plastic bag, so that they will be moved to a landfills for being there for the next x hundreds of years.
6. It is sooo sad, that factories produce sooo much plastic.
7. And it is a shame, that we, human beings buy this plastic to throw away after 10 minutes of use.
And I know, that there are sooo many people, who do NOT do that. Who do not use single-use plastic, are conscious of their plastic consumption. But if I have a look around me here in Central Amerika, it is not to see. And neither in big cities of all ever the world. And I think the situation is not only here like this. And I am sure, that there are places on Earth, where people are more conscious. Why not change our habits?